Release Notes v0.10

v0.11 brings Webhook support for notifications, Refresh command to facetsctl, and lots of enhancements and bug fixes.

✨ What's New

  • Webhook support for Notifications Integration
    You can now create a Notification Subscription by adding a user defined payload for any Webhook based Channel. This can be done by attaching a custom payload in JSON format with given field attributes as the Notification Message after selecting the appropriate Channel.
Webhook support with custom payload for Notifications (Click on the image to expand)

Webhook support with custom payload for Notifications (Click on the image to expand)

  • Autocomplete for Webhook Payload editor
    When adding a custom payload as the Notification Message, the fields will be autocompleted based on the Fields list.
Autocomplete based on Fields list (Click on the image to expand)

Autocomplete based on Fields list (Click on the image to expand)

  • Refresh command added to Facets Command Line Tool implementation
    Users can now use facetsctl refresh command to refresh the Kubernetes Credentials for a specific environment in a defined blueprint. For more information, refer Command Line Tool documentation.
  • Application Load Balancers implemented for GCP and AWS
    Users can now implement Load Balancers for AWS and GCP infrastructure by defining it in their blueprints. Additionally, users can also override the domains from the Facets Control Plane to add custom domains and SSL.

📈 Enhancements

  • Ability to clear selected Continous Delivery Parent
    An option to clear the CD Parent selection is now provided in the CD parent dropdown menu under the Permissions page when creating/editing an Environment.
Clear Selection for CD Parent (Click on the image to expand)

Clear Selection for CD Parent (Click on the image to expand)

  • Revamped Variables and Secrets screen
    The Variables and Secrets screen has been updated to provide both secrets and variables in a single table, along with giving users the ability to filter by Name or Variable Type.
Revamped Variables and Secrets screen (Click on the image to expand)

Revamped Variables and Secrets screen (Click on the image to expand)

  • Revamped Resource Configuration and Override Configuration pages
    1. The Resource Configuration page has been modified to showcase a diff view of the blueprint definition and the effective configuration. This provides users with a better perspective on what has changed as a result of overridden configurations.
    2. The Override Configuration page for resources has been modified to showcase a side-by-side view of the blueprint definition and the overridden values. This enables users to view the keys that exist in blueprint configuration.
Resource Configuration page (Click on the image to expand)

Resource Configuration page (Click on the image to expand)

Override Configuration page (Click on the image to expand)

Override Configuration page (Click on the image to expand)

  • Added support for Neo4j resources
    Users can now choose resources of type Neo4j while performing a selective Release from the Releases page.
Choose Neo4j resources when doing Selective Release (Click on the image to expand)

Choose Neo4j resources when doing Selective Release (Click on the image to expand)

  • Improved Logs Terminal
    The Logs terminal has been modified with additional features to improve usability and ease-of-access. Users can now search for phrases inside the logs, as well as copy multiple lines from the logs easily.
Improved Logs Terminal (Click on the image to expand)

Improved Logs Terminal (Click on the image to expand)

  • Changed TF Version to IaC Version everywhere
    The keywords TF Version/Terraform Version have been replaced with IaC Version across all labels, tooltips and toaster messages.
  • Private support for Load Balances in Azure
    Users can now provision private Load Balancers in Azure by setting the private key to true in their Ingress definition. This enhancement was required since https is not supported in private Load Balancers because “only private IP” mode is not supported in Azure Application Gateway v2 SKU deployments.
  • Ability to access MongoDB from VPC
    Users can now access MongoDB from within their Virtual Private Cloud(VPC). This enhancement was added to enable access to MongoDB resources from other machines and other environments in that VPC.
  • CloudSQL Postgres enhancements
    Facets provisioned CloudSQL Postgres now supports:
    • Online resizing of disk.
    • Query insights.
    • Configuring a Maintenance window.
    • Creating and editing a Backup configuration.
    • Configuring User supplied labels for the Postgres instances.
  • Memorystore Redis enhancements
    Facets provisioned Memorystore Redis now supports:
    • Configuring read only replicas.
    • Configuring a Maintenance window.
  • GKE Ingress support for IPv6 addresses
    Facets provisioned GKE Ingress now supports IPv6 addresses. Users can configure this by setting the ipv6_enabled flag as true in the Ingress definition.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where empty string or null values were not accepted in Clear CD Parent Selection API calls.
  • Fixed a bug where users were not able to run specific commands in Kubernetes jobs.
  • Fixed a bug where the stack trace was incorrectly parsed in error logs.
  • Fixed a bug where the releases were failing intermittently when checking out the Git repository.
  • Fixed a bug where alert callback was incorrectly throwing HTTP 500 exceptions.
  • Fixed a bug where ingress pods were not scaling up in case of traffic burst.
  • Fixed a bug where users were unable to create Aurora MySQL RDS environment.
  • Fixed a bug where releases were picking up Master branch commits in the blueprint which were not signed off.
  • Fixed a bug where updating the payload for Subscriptions removed advanced filters.
  • Fixed a bug where users were facing unexpected navigation inside Create/Edit Environment screens.
  • Fixed a bug where filtering Resources was not working as intended inside context switcher navigation.
  • Fixed a bug where the Settings tab in sidebar navigation was not visible after log in.

📚 Documentation Updates