Downloading the kubeconfig file
These docs are for v1.2. Click to read the latest docs for v1.3.

Downloading the kubeconfig file

You can follow these links to learn how to access the kubeconfig file of your cluster based on the cloud service you are using:

sample kubeconfig file

apiVersion: v1  
- cluster:  
      certificate-authority-data: ${cluster_ca_certificate} //Use this value for CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY
      server: ${endpoint} //Use this value for HOST  
    name: ${cluster_name}  
- context:  
      cluster: ${cluster_name}   
      user: ${user_name}  
    name: ${name}  
  current-context: your-context  
  kind: Config  
  preferences: {}  
- name: ${name}  
    token: ${access_token} //Use this value for TOKEN