Release Notes v0.3

This page contains the Release Notes for v0.3.

✨ New Features

  • Prometheus Metrics have been enabled for easy access to business metrics. Prometheus will also create and send alerts if the release for any customer fails more than x time or keeps failing for x hours(configurable).
    The new metrics that can be viewed are:
    - Number of releases via API + cron job.
    - Status of all releases via API + cron job.
    - Expose business metrics for all API endpoints (count, duration. percentile, etc.)

Count of getClusters API call per second (Click on the image to expand)

  • New feature to Delete Artifact through the UI.
    A new workflow has been created for the Delete button under the Actions column in Artifacts UI screen.
    A confirmation message will popup on clicking the Delete button with a warning message as shown in the image below. On successful deletion of an artifact, the confirmation dialog closes, a success toaster is displayed and the artifact is removed from the list.

Confirmation for Delete Artifact (Click on the image to expand)

🛠Bug Fixes and UI Improvements

  • Fixed cached tunnels by adding automatic restart of Control Plane after Cluster Launch to route tunnels.
  • Fixed component version being reset on cluster update API call by adding a call to sync the component version if it is empty on cluster update.
  • All artifactories are now automatically selected when Creating/Updating the blueprint.