Release Notes v0.12

v0.12 brings enhanced Resource Configuration version history, and lots of enhancements and bug fixes.

✨ What's New

  • Live and queued marker for Resource Configuration version history
    Users can now view the released status for a Resource Configuration in the version history section. Every time a new configuration is saved, it takes till next deployment to come in effect. With new markers for Live and Queued changes, users can identify the current live configuration.
Green marker indicates live version whereas yellow marker indicates next in queue

Green marker indicates live version whereas yellow marker indicates next in queue

  • Notification channels can now be deleted
    Notification channels that are no longer required can now be deleted from the UI.


  • Resources of type windows-application will now have access to Live Release, Diff and Grafana Views in Resource Center.
  • Replaced all charts in Application Live Release with native charts.
  • Added full screen view for tools.
  • All Links on Resource Information page are now clickable.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where logs in UI were not coming up in some cases with only few log lines.
  • Fixed a bug where incorrect help text was being displayed while creating GCP Environment.
  • Fixed a bug where default values for spot instances was missing while creating AWS Environment.
  • Fixed a bug where IaC version were not sorted in the Environment Overview page.
  • Fixed a bug where back button from Release Scheduler was taking the user back to Releases page, even if user was coming from Environment Overview page.