Release Notes v0.29
May 23rd, 2023 by Dinesh Krishnan
Release v0.29 brings updates like Blue-Green deployment strategy, new alpha module to provision ZooKeeper, attaching Promotional Workflow to Multiple CI Integrations, RBAC for resource groups, and many more enhancements and bug fixes.
✨What's New
- Introducing Blue-Green Deployment strategy
With the Blue-Green deployment strategy, users can create two versions of their applications, designated as "blue" and "green."- While one version represents the live production environment, receiving all production traffic, the other version serves as a new deployment, initially receiving no traffic.
- As an example, users can seamlessly perform deployments in the “blue” version while the “green” version is live in production. Once the “blue” version is fully deployed and tested, traffic can be smoothly switched to this version, while making the “green” one non-live.
- Furthermore, this feature empowers users with the ability to instantly rollback by switching traffic back to the other version, effectively minimizing the risk of downtime during releases while ensuring that one version remains live throughout the deployment.
- Currently, you can use this feature from your blueprint definition, and we are actively working on including it in the Control Plane. Look out for more updates in a future release.
- Attach Promotional Workflow to Multiple CI Integrations
Users can now attach a single Promotional workflow to multiple CI Integrations of the same registration type, allowing for streamlined management and increased flexibility.- We have also introduced the ability to set two default promotional workflows: one for the release stream and another for the environment.
- Alpha module to provision ZooKeeper
Facets now supports ZooKeeper provisioning, enabling seamless management of this centralized service.
- Enhancements for User Experience
- Improved Time Display
We have introduced relative time representation for Releases. Instead of absolute timestamps, you will now see relative time information, such as "1 hour ago" or "5 minutes ago." This update also extends to Launch and Destroy events, as well as Scale-Up and Scale-Down actions, making it easier to track and interpret the timing of these operations. - Updated Release Type
The Release Type has been updated across the system to ensure consistency. - New Environment Information Widget
A new Environment Information widget has been added to the Releases page.
- Improved Time Display
- Introducing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for resource groups
Administrators now have the ability to create and assign resource groups to specific user groups, enabling more granular access control. As a result, users within each user group will only have access to the resources within their respective resource groups.- Administrators now have the flexibility to create users without immediately assigning them to a user group.
- Updated Create Subscription UI
The Create Subscription UI under the Notifications tab has been updated to provide a more intuitive and streamlined experience for users.
- Renamed Artifacts CI
The Artifact CI has been renamed to CI Integration. - Optional features.json file
We have made features.json optional in the Blueprint definition.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the status was incorrectly displayed when Scale-Up or Scale-Down was in progress.
- Fixed a bug where the ConfigMaps were not deleted after the deployment.
- Fixed a bug where the Show Substack Resources toggle was hidden in the Resource Center when resources were not available.