Release Notes v0.47

Release v0.47 brings updates like Kubernetes Copilot, Templates, Designer Page update, Integration with Coder, and many more enhancements.

✨ What's New

  • Kubernetes Copilot
    Introducing the Kubernetes Copilot in Facets, an AI-driven tool designed to simplify Kubernetes troubleshooting. This feature, powered by K8sgpt and ChatGPT, presents a user-friendly chat interface for cluster analysis and error resolution. The Copilot streamlines the troubleshooting process, minimizing time spent on error identification and fixes. Users can enjoy contextual information, engage in conversational interactions, and directly execute solutions through the intuitive chat interface.
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  • Templates
    Users can now save custom-tailored Blueprints as templates, serving as foundational structures and eliminating the need to start from scratch. While blueprints remain team-specific, templates are available organization-wide, promoting inner sourcing, reusability, and standardization. These templates will be listed under Blueprints > Lists > Templates.
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  • Designer Page update
    • The Pull Request tab is a centralized hub that streamlines the management and tracking of all your pull requests. This provides a convenient overview of both open and closed pull requests, providing an efficient and organized approach to pull request management.
    • The GitHub Actions tab serves as a dedicated space for tracking and managing all executed actions within your projects. This feature provides a comprehensive overview, presenting essential details such as Workflow Name, Branch Name, Run Time, and Started By.
  • Integration with Coder
    We’ve integrated with Coder, an open-source cloud development environment, designed to streamline remote code development for teams.
    • This integration eliminates the need for setting up IDEs on local machines, offering teams a seamless experience in establishing and working within a remote coding environment.

🚀 Product Capabilities

  • External DNS Module
    The External DNS Module in Facets supports enhanced discoverability of Kubernetes resources via public DNS servers. This module, inspired by Kubernetes DNS, simplifies dynamic DNS record management across various providers like AWS Route 53 or Google Cloud DNS. Refer to the External DNS documentation to know more about it.
  • Automated Certificate Renewal
    The Certbot Manager now offers automatic renewal for Let's Encrypt certificates within your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure environments. This ensures that your certificates remain up-to-date without the need for manual intervention.
  • Loki Recording Rule
    Facets now introduces the Loki recording rule support. This enhancement brings expanded capabilities to your monitoring setup, allowing for more efficient and targeted rule creation within Loki.
  • Terraform Upgrade
    The Terraform has been upgraded to version 1.5.7. The upgrade requires no user intervention, ensuring a smooth transition to the latest version. During the upgrade process, there will be no downtime or service interruptions.
  • Availability Zone Support at Per-Instance Level
    The Aurora MySQL 0.2 now provides availability zone support at the per-instance level. This provides users with more fine-grained control over the availability configuration of their Aurora MySQL instances.

📈 Enhancements

  • Blueprint Designer Page update
    In the Blueprint Designer page, users can now edit resources in the table view using the edit icon beside each resource or select a node from the graph view and click the edit icon, streamlining the resource management process.
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  • Resource Referencing in Blueprint Designer
    While editing a resource from Blueprint Designer, users can conveniently select resources, along with their interfaces or attributes to display references. This information is copy-ready for convenient use.
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  • Cloud Cost Provider Update
    Please note that cloud providers may take up to 48 hours to accurately display cloud costs, as this delay is a standard part of the data processing cycle. To enhance accuracy, any data displayed within the initial 48 hours has been removed.

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    Click on the image to expand

  • Enhanced Alert Notifications
    Alert notifications will now include the display of pod names and namespaces if available, providing additional context.

  • User Interface Enhancements
    Various UI enhancements have been implemented to improve the user experience and offer a more intuitive interface throughout the application.

    • The Blueprints > Overview section has been renamed to Blueprints > Environments.

📚 Documentation Updates