Release Notes v0.5

v0.5 brings Kubernetes Embedded Dashboard, External Tools screen, Artifact History and Rollback, and lots of enhancements and bug fixes.

✨ New Features

  • Kubernetes Embedded Dashboard has been integrated into the Facets UI under the Tools page.
    This will allow users to dynamically interact with Kubernetes related actions directly in Facets UI. This also removes the overhead of downloading and refreshing kubeconfig for users who can simply use this embedded dashboard in Facets UI.
    A few use cases for using this dashboard are:
    ‣ Quick access to Logs: Users can live tail the logs of pods.
    ‣ Direct execution: Users are able to execute directly into the Pods with the appropropriate permission and debug from the UI.
    ‣ View pod status and events: Users can see all k8s events, pod status, etc. right from the Facets UI.

    For more information on using the Embedded Dashboard, check out the official documentation.


Kubernetes Embedded Dashboard (Click on the image to expand)

  • A new tab has been added to the Tools page, External Tools which contains a few tools available for use out of the box. Some of the included tools are:
    ◦ Prometheus: Monitoring System and Time series database
    ◦ Alertmanager: Handles alerts sent by client applications such as the Prometheus server.

External Tools tab under the Tools screen (Click on the image to expand)

  • Layout changes for Releases Screen
    To streamline the Releases screen and help users perform necessary actions easily, the layout for Releases screen has been modified. The Launch and Destroy buttons are now the primary buttons listed on the top right corner, and all other actions are listed under More Options.

New Layout in Releases screen (Click on the image to expand)

  • Added ability to view Artifact History and Rollback to a previous build image
    Users now have the ability to access previous build images for any particular application and make a rollback to their desired version. Currently five previously deployed build images are available for the user to choose for rollback.

Rollback Screen with option to select a previous build image (Click on the image to expand)

⚖️ Enhancements

  • Removed force delete functionality for clusters. Previously, users were able to force delete live clusters but this functionality has now been removed.


In case you want to delete a live cluster, contact Facets Support.

  • Added detailed error messages across the UI for access denied errors based on RBAC.
  • Redis now supports implementation in cluster mode. Previously, only standalone server implementation was supported.
  • Postgres intent now supports “cloudsql” flavour in GCP environments. This allows provisioning regional postgres on CloudSQL with write and read replicas.
  • Facets EKS clusters now have 12288 IPs available for pods to use. The number has been increased threefold from the previous limit of 4096 IPs.