Upcoming Release v0.46 Notification

The release v0.46 is planned tentatively for 23rd January.


More details about the new features and enhancements will be available in the Release Notes, published with the release.

Changes that might affect existing product flow

  1. The Download K8s Credentials and Renew Credentials buttons will now be disabled when the environment is in a 'stopped' state.
Click on the image to expand

Click on the image to expand

  1. In the environment creation process, you can now choose between the option to Provision New Infrastructure or Use Existing Infrastructure. Provision New Infrastructure will remain the default option.
    If you choose Use Existing Infrastructure, you will have to specify the Base Environment and Namespace details for the new environment.
Click on the image to expand

Click on the image to expand

  1. In the Releases page, the Terraform logs will update automatically without the need for a manual refresh for any "In Progress" release. (tentative)