Upcoming Release v0.51 Notification

The release v0.51 is planned tentatively for 28th March.


More details about the new features and enhancements will be available in the Release Notes, published with the release.

Changes that might affect existing product flow

  1. The process for setting up Cloud and VCS accounts has been updated, providing an enhanced workflow for a more user-friendly experience.

    Click on the image to expand

    Click on the image to expand

  2. While creating a GCP environment, users can now specify the Shared VPC configurations in the Advanced Settings section.

    Click on the image to expand

    Click on the image to expand

  3. Users can now use the Spec Documentation button in the Spec Overrides page to access the Facets schema directly from the Control Plane.

    Click on the image to expand

    Click on the image to expand