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Helm resource logs to loki

How to send helm resource logs to loki ?

Auto-Backup MongoDB Pod (Data) in Facets

How can I configure automatic backups for my MongoDB pod (data) in Facets?

Monitor CPU Throttling & OOM Kills

Where can I find information about CPU throttling and OOM (Out-of-Memory) kills for my applications in Facets Grafana dashboards?

Monitor CPU Throttling & OOM Kills

Where can I find information about CPU throttling and OOM (Out-of-Memory) kills for my applications in Facets Grafana dashboards?

basic dashboard for monitoring CPU, RAM, I/O, etc.

How can I add a basic dashboard for monitoring CPU, RAM, I/O, etc., specifically for Superset in Kubernetes using Helm?

Automated SSL renewal

In which version of the Ingress controller is SSL certificate renewal automated?

Multi-tenancy in facets within kubernetes

Is multi-tenancy support available in facets ?

Scale prometheus for higher load

How to upscale prometheus for increased monitoring load

Implement CORS in Facets

How do i implement CORS in facets ?

Get and auto-renew Let's Encrypt Cert

Can we generate a Let's Encrypt certificate and enable auto-renewal for one of our applications?