Release Notes v0.42

Release v0.42 brings updates like the Status Check Dashboard, Raise Ticket feature, support to add new Container Registries, and many more enhancements and bug fixes.

✨ What's New

  • Status Check Dashboard
    Facets now incorporates an uptime monitoring controller that conducts comprehensive status checks, offering dashboards for visualizing results. Users can define checks using HTTP and HTTPS endpoints, assess HTTPS responses, and perform uptime checks for MongoDB and Redis, including TCP connection checks, enhancing monitoring capabilities.
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  • Streamlined Issue Reporting with "Raise Ticket" Feature
    Facets now introduces the "Raise Ticket" feature, simplifying issue reporting. With a single click, users can report issues directly from the Control Plane without navigating away from the Control Plane. The feature captures and populates the current page's URL, effectively cutting down on the initial triaging time and streamlining the support process for a more efficient experience in issue resolution.
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  • Support to add new Container Registries
    Facets now supports adding new Container Registries such as Azure Container Registry (ACR), Docker Hub, Nexus, and Google Container Registry (GCR), expanding options for managing container images.
    • The Artifactories section under Settings is now renamed as Container Registries.
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  • Cloud Cost Explorer Enhancement
    Cloud Cost Explorer now provides detailed cloud resource-level costs, offering users insights into their expenditures for more effective cost management.
    • In Cloud Cost Explorer, users can now enjoy enhanced control with the addition of a "Sync Now" button and a display of the last sync time, providing real-time visibility and management of cost data.
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🚀 Product Capabilities

  • Support to ship Kubelet logs to Loki
    Facets now offers support for shipping Kubelet logs and system service logs, with the option to scrape other service logs within the node. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled through the advanced log collector input JSON intent for enhanced log management capabilities.
  • TLS secret in Ingress
    TCP Application Load Balancer (ALB) now supports the addition of SSL certificates as Kubernetes secrets, enhancing flexibility in managing certificates.
  • Loki with Google Storage
    Facets now introduces a new variant of Loki that seamlessly integrates with Google Cloud Storage (GCS), allowing users to store logs in GCS buckets. This feature is exclusive to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Kubernetes flavor MySQL
    Facets brings a new deployment flavor for MySQL databases on Kubernetes, offering the flexibility to deploy MySQL within a Kubernetes cluster (Sample JSON) instead of relying on any specific cloud environment.

📈 Enhancements

  • Severity in Guardrail Policies
    Users can now modify the severity of Guardrail Policies, choosing between ERROR and WARNING levels. If set to ERROR, the policy will mark the release as invalid, preventing it from proceeding. This provides users with more granular control over the impact of policies on their releases.
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  • Support for Multiple instance types
    Facets introduces support for multiple instance types in dedicated node pools, allowing users to specify comma-separated values to mitigate spot interruptions and enhance flexibility.
  • Central Overrides Update
    In the Blueprint > Designer page, the Overrides tab has been upgraded for a more user-friendly experience.
    • Individual environment-level overrides are now easily accessible, eliminating the need to navigate through a modal.
    • Users can efficiently compare values between the blueprint and environment, edit overrides directly from the table, and make and save multiple changes at once.
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  • VPN Updates
    Implemented automated deletion of user profiles on the VPN server when a user is deleted.
  • Enhanced Release Time
    Facets has made some improvements in release time for enhanced and faster deployment workflows.
  • User Interface Enhancements
    Implemented various UI enhancements to enhance user experience and provide a more intuitive interface across the application.

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in nginx v0.2 where adding or removing a new Ingress rule was modifying all existing Ingress rules.

📚 Documentation Updates