Upcoming Release v0.47 Notification

The release v0.47 is planned tentatively for 7th February.


More details about the new features and enhancements will be available in the Release Notes, published with the release.

Changes that might affect existing product flow

  1. In the Blueprint Designer page, you can now directly edit resources in the table view by utilizing the edit icon beside each resource, or select a node from the graph view and click the edit icon.
Click on the image to expand

Click on the image to expand

  1. Now, you have the capability to save an existing Blueprint as a template directly from the Blueprint Designer page.
Click on the image to expand

Click on the image to expand

  1. While editing a resource from Blueprint Designer, users can conveniently select resources, along with their interfaces or attributes, to display references, and this information is copy-ready for convenient use.
Click on the image to expand

Click on the image to expand

  1. The Blueprints > Overview section has been renamed to Blueprints > Environments.
Click on the image to expand

Click on the image to expand