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Facets provides users with the ability to create a branch, generate resources, and perform updates to existing resources in a blueprint using REST API calls.

Given that directly altering the master branch is not recommended, we choose to create a new branch for implementing updates. This ensures that changes are made in a controlled environment before initiating a pull request to merge them into the master branch.

Using REST APIs to Create a Branch

Let's first understand the logic we will use to create a new branch.

  • Facets uses the stackName parameter to identify the Blueprint where you want to create a branch.
  • Thebranch parameter is used as the new branch name.

Steps to create a branch

Note: Execute the listBranches API to update all branches from Git.

Perform a REST API POST call using the branch and stackName parameters as specified in the "Create a New Branch" documentation.


You should get a response confirming the creation of a new branch.

Using REST APIs to Create a Resource

Note: If any changes are made to the remote Git repository, please utilize the 'Get Blueprint Resources' API to synchronize and incorporate all the modifications.

To create a new resource, you will need the following details:

  • The stackName parameter is used to identify the Blueprint.
  • Thebranch parameter is used to identify the branch in the Blueprint.
  • The resourceName parameter is the name of the resource.
  • The resourceType parameter is the type of resource.

Steps to create a JSON resource

  1. Perform a REST API POST call using branch and stackName parameters.
  2. Also, update values such as resourceName and resourceType.
  3. Refer to the "Create a New Resource" documentation for additional guidance.


You should receive a response confirming the creation of a new resource.

Using REST APIs to Update a Resource

To update a new resource, you will need the following details:

  • The stackName parameter is used to identify the Blueprint.
  • Thebranch parameter is used to identify the branch in the Blueprint.
  • The directory parameter is used to identify the path to create the resource in the branch.
  • The filename parameter is the name of the file with the extension.
  • The resourceName parameter is the name of the resource.
  • The resourceType parameter is the type of the resource.
  • The content block contains the content to be added to the resource.

Note: The content within the content tag will replace the content in the resource JSON.

Steps to update a JSON resource

  1. Perform a REST API PUT call using branch and stackName parameters.
  2. Also, update values such as directory, filename, resourceName, and resourceType.
  3. Add the content to be updated in the JSON file.
  4. Refer to the Update a Resource documentation for additional guidance.


You should receive a response confirming that the resource has been updated with the provided content.