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Facets provides users with the ability to access previous build images for any particular application and make a rollback to the desired version.

Learn how to achieve this from your Control Plane in Artifact History and Rollback documentation.

Using REST APIs to rollback

Let's first understand the logic we are going to use to identify and fetch the exact artifact details that we need to perform a rollback.

  • Facets uses a versionId to uniquely identify every single artifact that is registered for any resource.
  • This list of versionId associated with a particular artifact can be fetched for any given environment and resource type using a GET call with a versioningKey as a parameter.
  • The value for versioningKey is unique for any given set of environment, resource name and resource type.

This guide will help you to get the previous “N” artifacts and then choose a particular artifact to rollback to using API calls.

To achieve this, follow these three steps:

Step 1: Get the versioning key for the artifact.

Step 2: Get list of last “N” artifacts.

Step 3: Trigger rollback for an artifact.

Step by step instructions

Step 1: Get the versioning key

Perform a REST API GET call as specified in the Get the versioning key for a Resource documentation.

You should get a response with multiple fields. Copy the value for versioningKey field from this response body.

Step 2: Get list of “N” artifacts

Perform a REST API GET call as specified in the Get list of last “N” versions documentation.



Your versioningKey should be present in the API response from step 1.

You should get a response with multiple fields. Copy the value for id field from this response body for the artifact for which you want to trigger a rollback.

Step 3: Trigger rollback for an artifact

Perform a REST API GET call as specified in the Trigger rollback to a previous version documentation.

You should receive a HTTP 200 response if the request has been successfully sent.