Release Notes v0.9

v0.9 brings IaC Versioning Management, Templates for Blueprint creation, Kubernetes Upgrade to v1.21 for AWS, and lots of enhancements and bug fixes.

✨ New Features

  • IaC Versioning Management is now available in your Control Plane.
    Users are now able to change IaC Major and Minor versions as well as the stream for the current environment. This can be done from the Environment Overview screen as well as the Release History screen.
TF Version Management (Click on the image to expand)

TF Version Management (Click on the image to expand)

  • Templates in Blueprint Create page and revamped UI.
    Users can now select pre-defined templates while creating a new blueprint to simplify their first time set up process.
Revamped Create Blueprint screen (Click on the image to expand)

Revamped Create Blueprint screen (Click on the image to expand)

  • Kubernetes Upgrade to v1.21 for AWS infrastructure.
    Users can perform an upgrade on their Kubernetes Components to version 1.21 directly from the Control Plane. You can find more information in this document.
Kubernetes Upgrade from Control Plane (Click on the image to expand)

Kubernetes Upgrade from Control Plane (Click on the image to expand)

  • Default Infrastructure settings for all supported Cloud Providers (AWS, GCP, Azure).
    Users can now create base infrastructure which will have the following default values assigned automatically.
SettingDefault ValueDescription
MULTI_AZfalseSet value for whether Infrastructure should support multiple Availability Zones.
ROOT_DISK_VOLUME50Set value for disk volume size of the node pools.
NODE_LIFECYCLE_TYPESPOTSet value for node lifecycle type(spot or on-demand).
MAX_NODES20Set value for maximum number of the nodes in the node pool.
  • Dropdown options for Regions and Availability Zones.
    Users can now select the regions and AZ for their environment from the latest available regions and AZ in Environment Create and Update screens.

⚖️ Enhancements

  • Windows applications are now supported as an application resource type.
  • All resources have been enhanced to have a cluster tag present on them for easier identification.
  • If a user creates a new blueprint, they will now be redirected to a screen prompt to create a new environment.
  • Improved exception handling while switching screens in the Control Plane using the context switcher.
  • Improved the context switcher navigation by adding necessary parameters when switching context.
  • Fixed a bug where the Kubernetes dashboard was not rendering properly due to missing substack.
  • Fixed a bug where the release cron was not honouring the input times as UTC.
  • Fixed a bug where Prometheus was throwing errors due to incorrect deployment in multi-az environments.
  • Fixed a bug where No Loaders were available for selective Releases.
  • Fixed a bug where Application Configuration was showing incorrect values.

📚 New Documentation