These docs are for v1.2. Click to read the latest docs for v1.3.

Manage Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Version

Facets provides users with the capability to change the stream, and major and minor IaC version directly from the Control Plane.

How to Manage IaC Version from your Control Plane?

Facets allows you to manage the IaC version from your Environment Overview screen as well as Releases screen.


Note: IaC version or stream change will take effect from the next release after the change.

  1. Login to your Control Plane.
  2. Open Blueprints and select the required Blueprint.
  3. Select the Environment in your defined Blueprint where you want to manage the IaC version.

Using the Environment Overview screen

  1. In the Environment Overview page, click the Edit button in the IaC Version widget.
  2. In the Edit IaC Version popup, make the required modifications and then click Save Changes.

You should see a success toaster popup confirming your changes.

Using the Releases screen

  1. Select the desired Environment and select the Releases tab.
  2. Click on the Ellipsis button to view more options and select Update IaC Version.
  3. In the Edit IaC Version popup, make the required modifications and then click Save Changes.

You should see a success toaster popup confirming your changes.



Note: If there is no defined IaC version for an environment during deployment, Facets will automatically select the latest version of IaC from PRODUCTION stream.