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Supported platforms and services in Facets

Facets supports a wide variety of services and platforms.

Cloud Platforms

Facets supports three major cloud platforms: Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure. Whether you're already using one of these platforms or looking to switch, Facets makes it easy to manage your infrastructure on your preferred platform.

Version Control Providers

Facets integrates with the most popular version control providers, including Bitbucket, Github, and Gitlab. This means you can easily manage your code and collaborate with your team, all from within Facets.

Kubernetes Clusters

Facets supports the following Kubernetes clusters:

  1. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  2. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  3. Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Facets make it easy to deploy, manage and scale your Kubernetes clusters, no matter which cloud platform you choose. By leveraging the full power of Kubernetes, Facets helps organizations streamline their container deployments and simplify their infrastructure management.

With Facets, you can take advantage of the latest features and capabilities of Kubernetes, and stay ahead of the curve in terms of container orchestration. Whether you are starting from scratch or migrating from an existing environment, Facets makes it easy to deploy and manage your Kubernetes clusters.

Supported Services

The following are some of the types of services supported by Facets. For additional information, visit the facets-schema GitHub page.

AWS resourcess3defaultS3 SchemadefaultReadme
Cachesrediselasticache, memory store, k8sRedis Schemaelasticache, memorystore, k8sReadme
Databaseselasticsearchk8sElasticsearch Schemak8sReadme
Databasesmongok8sMongo Schemak8sReadme
Databasesmysqlcloudsql, rds, auroraMySQL Schemacloudsql, rds, auroraReadme
Databasespostgresaurora, cloudsqlPostgreSQL Schemaaurora, cloudsqlReadme
Kubernetes Resourceskubernetes_node_poolaks, eks_managed, eks_self_managedKubernetes Resource Schemaaks, eks_managed, eks_self_managedReadme
Kubernetes Resourcesk8s_resourcedefaultKubernetes Resource SchemadefaultReadme
Kubernetes Package ManagerhelmdefaultHelm SchemadefaultReadme
Load Balancersingressnlb_nginx, gcp_alb, aws_albIngress Schemanlb_nginx, gcp_alb, aws_albReadme
Monitoringalert_groupdefaultAlert Group SchemadefaultReadme
Monitoringlog_collectorloki, loki_s3Log Collector Schemaloki, loki_s3Readme
Queuekafkak8sKafka Schemak8sReadme
Queuerabbitmqk8sRabbidMQ Schemak8sReadme
QueuesqsdefaultSQS SchemadefaultReadme
ServiceservicedefaultService SchemadefaultReadme

Most of these resources are available as managed services in respective clouds and a Kubernetes implementation.


How do we determine which platforms and services to support?

We strive to provide support for the most popular cloud platforms and services that are commonly used by organizations. Our team continuously evaluates the market to ensure we are supporting the latest technology and trends. Our goal is to provide support for a wide range of platforms and services to ensure that our customers have the flexibility to choose the technology that works best for them.

Can I request support for a platform or service that is not currently supported?

Yes, you can request support for a platform or service that is not currently supported. Our team will assess the request and will work to add support for the platform or service as soon as possible. Please reach out to us to make a request.