Approval Workflow

Facets provides a powerful release approval workflow feature to help teams maintain control and ensure compliance during the software development lifecycle. This feature enables organizations to define structured approval processes, ensuring only reviewed and authorized changes are deployed to production environments.

Release approval workflows streamline collaboration, accountability, and quality assurance.

Why Create Workflows

Creating workflows in Facets allows teams to establish a clear, repeatable process for approving changes before deployment. By defining workflows, organizations can:

  • Enforce governance and compliance.
  • Reduce the risk of unapproved changes causing issues in production.
  • Increase transparency and accountability within the development and deployment process.
  • Facilitate collaboration by involving stakeholders in the decision-making process.
  • Adapt workflows to match specific project or environment requirements.

Let us see 'How to Create Release Approval Workflow in Facets' in the next section.

Note: Releases in Parallel cant go through if release are pending for approval. Hence, “Parallel Releases” can be enabled only when “Release Approval Workflow” is disabled and vice versa.