Creating a Guardrail Policy
A Guardrail Policy in Facets is a set of predefined rules and conditions designed to enforce security, compliance, and operational standards within your Blueprint.
Refer to the Guardrail Policies concept document to learn more about it.
How to Create a Guardrail Policy?
- Navigate to Settings > Guardrails. This page displays default templates and lists existing policies.
- To create a new policy, click Create Policy.
- You can either choose to create a policy from scratch or select a Template where the Policy Parameters are pre-defined.
Note: Guardrail templates are predefined policy frameworks designed to help you quickly establish security and compliance controls within your Blueprint. - Enter the Policy Name (mandatory) and Description.
- Select the Severity (mandatory) level: Warning or Error.
- Warning: Flags potential issues, allowing the release to continue while alerting you to areas that may need attention.
- Error: Blocks releases with critical issues, ensuring they are addressed before proceeding to release.
- Select the desired Blueprint (mandatory) and Environment(s).
- Now, select the required Resource Type(s) and Resource(s).
- Enter the Rego Code. Refer to the Rego Code runbook - Guardrails to learn how to enforce Guardrail Policies with Rego.
- Click Create.
You have successfully create a Guardrail Policy in Facets.
How to Clone an Existing Policy?
To clone an existing policy:
- Click the Clone Policy icon under the Actions column beside the policy you wish to clone.
- The Create Policy page will appear with all the fields pre-filled.
- Update the Policy Name and other required fields if needed, then click Create.
You have successfully cloned an existing policy.
Updated 8 months ago