Rich UI for Facets TF Modules

The following fields when added in facets.yaml will enable you to give a rich UI to the users of your modules.

The x‑ui extension properties enrich your JSON Schema definitions so that dynamic forms can be rendered with custom behavior, validation, and presentation. You define these properties directly in your schema (or YAML) and the form builder processes them to tailor the UI.

Always include the x‑ui- prefix exactly as shown to ensure the form builder recognizes the property.

Table of Contents

  1. Field Ordering and Visibility
    • x‑ui‑order
    • x‑ui‑override‑disable
    • x‑ui‑visible‑if
    • x‑ui‑skip
    • x‑ui‑overrides‑only
  2. Dynamic Data Population
    • x‑ui‑dynamic‑enum
    • x‑ui‑api‑source
  3. Data Extraction and Lookup
    • x‑ui‑lookup‑regex
  4. User Guidance and Validation
    • x‑ui‑placeholder
    • x‑ui‑error‑message
  5. Specialised Input Rendering
    • x‑ui‑yaml‑editor
    • x‑ui‑command
    • x‑ui‑typeable
  6. Miscellaneous UI Behaviours
    • x‑ui‑toggle
    • x‑ui‑disable‑tooltip
    • x‑ui‑output‑type
    • x-ui-allow-title-edit
  7. Additional Fields for Resource Configuration
    • x‑ui‑secret‑ref / x‑ui‑variable‑ref
    • x‑ui‑unique & x‑ui‑unique‑pattern‑error‑message
    • x‑ui‑no‑sort
    • x-ui-compare

1. Field Ordering and Visibility


  • Purpose: Specifies the order in which fields appear.

  • Usage Example:

      - restart_policy
      - enable_host_anti_affinity
      - runtime
      - release
      - init_containers
      - sidecars
      - cloud_permissions
  • UI Behavior: Fields are rendered in the specified order. Fields omitted (e.g., due to being skipped) are filtered out.


  • Purpose: Prevents a field from being modified by the user—ensuring that a blueprinted or default value remains intact.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: Restart Policy
      description: Restart Policy - Always, OnFailure, Never
      x-ui-override-disable: true
        - Always
        - OnFailure
        - Never
  • UI Behavior: Such fields are either rendered as disabled or omitted from override forms.


  • Purpose: Conditionally displays a field or group based on the value of another field.

  • Usage Example:

      type: integer
      title: Readiness Timeout
      default: 10
      minimum: 0
      maximum: 10000
      x-ui-placeholder: "Enter readiness timeout for the Pod"
      x-ui-error-message: "Value must be between 0 and 10000"
        field: spec.runtime.health_checks.readiness_check_type
        values: ["PortCheck", "HttpCheck", "ExecCheck"]
  • UI Behavior: The control is displayed only when the referenced field has one of the specified values.


  • Purpose: Excludes a field from being rendered in the UI. Use this when you want to store data without displaying it to the user.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      x-ui-skip: true
  • UI Behavior: The form builder ignores any property with x‑ui‑skip, so no control is generated for it.


  • Purpose: Indicates that a field should only be available as an override (for example, in an override form) and not be part of the base configuration.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      default: "defaultValue"
      x-ui-overrides-only: true
  • UI Behavior: When the form is built, fields with x‑ui‑overrides‑only are included only in contexts where overrides are being applied.

2. Dynamic Data Population


  • Purpose: Populates a select control’s options dynamically based on a JSON pointer or path.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: Readiness Port
      x-ui-dynamic-enum: spec.runtime.ports.*.port
      x-ui-disable-tooltip: "No Ports Added"
  • UI Behavior: The UI extracts available options from the defined path. If no options exist, the control is disabled with a tooltip.


  • Purpose: Configures the control to fetch options via an API call.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: Name
      x-ui-typeable: true
        endpoint: "/cc-ui/v1/dropdown/stack/{{stackName}}/resources-info"
        method: GET
          includeContent: false
        labelKey: resourceName
        valueKey: resourceName
        valueTemplate: "${kubernetes_secret.{{value}}}"
          - field: resourceType
            value: kubernetes_secret
  • UI Behavior: An API call is made to populate options; the returned data is processed using defined keys and templates. With x‑ui‑typeable, users can also input custom values.

3. Data Extraction and Lookup


  • Purpose: Applies a regular expression to a field’s value to extract a substring for dynamic processing.
    (For instance, you might need to strip a prefix from a value.)

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      lookup: regex
      x-ui-lookup-regex: '^prefix-(.*)$'
  • UI Behavior: If the field’s lookup type is set to "regex", the UI applies the regular expression from x‑ui‑lookup‑regex to the input value and extracts the first capturing group. This extracted value may be used to dynamically construct URLs or set dynamic properties.

4. User Guidance and Validation


  • Purpose: Provides in-field example text to guide the user.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: Memory
      x-ui-placeholder: "Enter Memory (e.g., 1Gi or 512Mi)"
  • UI Behavior: The placeholder text appears in empty input fields.


  • Purpose: Displays a custom error message when validation (such as a pattern check) fails.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: Memory
      pattern: "^([1-9]|[1-5][0-9]|6[0-4])Gi$|^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-3][0-9]{3}|64000)Mi$"
      x-ui-placeholder: "Enter Memory (e.g., 1Gi or 512Mi)"
      x-ui-error-message: "Value must be in the format 1Gi to 64Gi or 1Mi to 64000Mi"
  • UI Behavior: When the user’s input fails validation, this message is shown.

5. Specialized Input Rendering


  • Purpose: Renders a dedicated YAML editor for complex or large objects.

  • Usage Example:

      title: Environment Variables
      type: object
      x-ui-yaml-editor: true
  • UI Behavior: A specialized editor (often with syntax highlighting) is displayed, and the YAML is parsed to JSON when saved.


  • Purpose: Indicates that the field should be treated as a command input, often needing a multi-line editor.

  • Usage Example:

      type: array
      title: Command
        type: string
      x-ui-command: true
  • UI Behavior: A multiline or code editor is rendered to facilitate command entry.


  • Purpose: Allows users to both select from a list and type a custom value.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: Name
      x-ui-typeable: true
  • UI Behavior: The dropdown control accepts custom input as well as selections from the provided options.

6. Miscellaneous UI Behaviors


  • Purpose: Renders a collapsible group of fields.

  • Usage Example:

      type: object
      title: Cloud Permissions
      x-ui-toggle: true
          type: object
          title: AWS
          x-ui-toggle: true
  • UI Behavior: Toggle buttons allow the user to expand or collapse the group.


  • Purpose: Shows a tooltip when a control is disabled, explaining why no valid options are available.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: Readiness Port
      x-ui-dynamic-enum: spec.runtime.ports.*.port
      x-ui-disable-tooltip: "No Ports Added"
  • UI Behavior: When disabled, the tooltip appears on hover.


  • Purpose: Flags a field as an output type, which might affect its display or processing.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: ARN
      x-ui-output-type: "iam_policy_arn"
  • UI Behaviour: The field might be formatted or handled differently in the UI based on its output type.


  • Purpose: Enables users to customize the display titles of patternProperties items instead of using default auto-generated titles (field1, field2, field3, etc.).
  • Usage Example:
      type: object
      title: Ports
      description: Port mappings
      x-ui-allow-title-edit: true
        type: object
        keyPattern: "^[0-9]+[m]?$"
  • UI Behaviour: This provides better readability and context for dynamic field collections.

7. Additional Fields for Resource Configuration

x‑ui‑secret‑ref and x‑ui‑variable‑ref

  • Purpose: Identify fields that reference external secrets or variables, and prompt the UI to provide options to create new ones.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      title: API Key
      x-ui-secret-ref: true
  • UI Behavior: A “Create New Secret” or “Create New Variable” button is rendered next to the field.

x‑ui‑unique & x‑ui‑unique‑pattern‑error‑message

  • Purpose: Ensures that values (such as keys in a map) are unique.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
      x-ui-unique: true
      x-ui-unique-pattern-error-message: "Each key must be unique."
  • UI Behavior: The UI validates uniqueness and shows the custom error if a duplicate is detected.


  • Purpose: Prevents automatic sorting of select options, preserving the order defined in the schema.

  • Usage Example:

      type: string
        - High
        - Medium
        - Low
      x-ui-no-sort: true
  • UI Behavior: Options are rendered in the exact order provided.


  • Purpose: Implements validation rules between two numeric fields by comparing their values using specified operators.

  • Usage Example:

      type: integer
      title: CPU
        field: spec.size.reader.cpu_limit
        comparator: '<='
        x-ui-error-message: 'CPU cannot be more than CPU limit'
  • UI Behavior: Validates that two fields follow the logical relationship defined in 'comparator'.


This comprehensive guide covers all the x‑ui extension properties—including the newly added x‑ui‑skip, x‑ui‑lookup‑regex, and x‑ui‑overrides‑only—and explains how they control the dynamic behavior and presentation of forms:

  • Ordering & Visibility:
    Use x‑ui‑order, x‑ui‑override‑disable, x‑ui‑visible‑if, x‑ui‑skip, and x‑ui‑overrides‑only to determine which fields are shown, in what order, and in which contexts (e.g., overrides only).

  • Dynamic Data:
    x‑ui‑dynamic‑enum and x‑ui‑api‑source help populate fields based on other parts of the configuration or external API calls.

  • Data Extraction:
    x‑ui‑lookup‑regex enables you to extract portions of a field’s value for dynamic processing.

  • User Guidance & Validation:
    x‑ui‑placeholder and x‑ui‑error‑message provide in-field guidance and custom validation feedback.

  • Specialized Rendering:
    x‑ui‑yaml‑editor, x‑ui‑command, and x‑ui‑typeable customize how input is received for complex data.

  • Additional Behaviors:
    x‑ui‑toggle, x‑ui‑disable‑tooltip, x‑ui‑output‑type, x‑ui‑secret‑ref, x‑ui‑compare, x‑ui‑unique, and x‑ui‑no‑sort offer further control over layout, interactivity, and data integrity.

By following this guide, end users and schema authors can quickly reference and apply x‑ui properties to create dynamic, robust, and user-friendly forms for configuring services and resources.