Secrets and Variables
Facets provides a secure and flexible way to manage secrets and variables by allowing them to be defined and dynamically referenced within resources. This enables resources to securely access and utilize sensitive information, such as passwords and configurations, across different environments.
How to add Secrets and Variables in a Project?
- Open the Projects tab and select the desired project.
- Select the Secrets and Variables tab and click Define New
- In the pop-up that appears, select if it is a Secret or a Variable.
- If you choose to add a Secret, mention the Name. It is advised that the values are set at the Environment Level.
- If you choose to add a Variable, enter the Name and the Default Value.
- Select the Auto Inject checkbox to automatically add the key-value pair to all the resources in the Blueprint.
- To add multiple entries, click Add More.
- Once you are done adding the Secrets and Variables, click Save.
You have successfully added Secrets and Variables to your project.
How to Override Secrets and Variables for an Environment?
- Open the Projects tab and select your desired project.
- Select the Secrets and Variables tab.
You will find a list of all the secrets and variables associated with this project. - Click Edit Env. Variables.
- In the window that appears, select the environment where the values need to be updated.
- Find the entry you wish to modify and click on the edit icon beside it.
- Update the Environment Value and confirm your changes by clicking on the tick icon.
- Click Save Changes to apply the changes.
You have successfully overridden the value of Secrets and Variables for the environment.
Updated 8 months ago