Adding Resources

Once the blueprint has been created, the next step involves creating the resources required for the pet clinic application. Here, we will opt to create a Service resource, a Postgres resource, and an Ingress resource.

The Postgres resource in this context is a PostgreSQL database, used by your application for data storage and retrieval. The Service resource is where the Spring Boot application resides, and the Ingress resource manages the exposure of your services to the external world.

How to Add Resources?

  1. Open Blueprints and select the required Blueprint.
  2. Select the Designer tab and click Add Resources.

Adding a Postgres Resource

  1. In the Add Resource pop-up window, search for and select the resource type Postgres.
  2. Mention the Resource Name and click Add.
  3. To create the resource and view its configuration, click Add & View.
  "$schema": "",
  "provided": false,
  "kind": "postgres", //This represents the type of object described by the JSON, in this case, a PostgreSQL database.
  "version": "0.1",
  "depends_on": [],
  "disabled": true,
  "metadata": {       //This object includes additional information about the database, such as its name.
    "name": "daw"    
  "flavor": "k8s",
  "spec": {
    "postgres_version": "12.11", //Specifies the version of PostgreSQL used.
    "size": {
      "writer": {
        "instance": "db.t3.medium",
        "instance_count": 1
      "reader": {
        "instance": "db.t3.medium",
        "instance_count": 1

Adding a Service Resource

  1. In the Add Resource pop-up window, search for and select the resource type Service.
  2. Mention the Resource Name and click Add.
  3. To create the resource and view its configuration, click Add & View.
  "$schema": "",
  "flavor": "default",
  "metadata": {
    "labels": {}
  "kind": "service",
  "disabled": true,
  "provided": false,
  "version": "0.1",
  "spec": {
    "enable_host_anti_affinity": false,
    "type": "application",
    "release": {
    "image": "facetscloud/petclinic:1.0", //Specifies the Docker image to be used for the service.
      "strategy": {
        "type": "RollingUpdate"
      "build": {
        "artifactory": "default",
        "name": "replace-with-app-name" //The placeholder text "replace-with-app-name" should be replaced with the actual name of your application.
    "runtime": {
      "autoscaling": {  
        "min": "1", // The minimum number of pods that should always be running for this service.
        "max": "1", //If the CPU usage surpasses the specified threshold, Kubernetes will attempt to create additional pods.
        "cpu_threshold": "50" //This setting signifies the CPU usage threshold, expressed as a percentage. If the CPU usage goes beyond this 50% mark, Kubernetes' autoscaling feature will initiate the creation of new pods to maintain performance.
      "ports": {
        "http": {
          "port": "8080", //This denotes the network port on which the service is exposed and will be accessible.
          "protocol": "tcp"
      "size": {
        "cpu": "300m",
        "memory": "1Gi",
        "cpu_limit": "1000m"
      "health_checks": {
        "timeout": "10",
        "period": "30",
        "port": "8080",
        "start_up_time": "15"
      "volumes": {}
    "env": {
      "LOG_LEVEL": "INFO"
      "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "postgres", //This is an environment variable that determines the active profile during runtime. Here, "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE": "postgres" sets the active profile to "postgres". 


Adding an Ingress Resource

  1. In the Add Resource pop-up window, search for and select the resource type Ingress.
  2. Mention the Resource Name and click Add.
  3. To create the resource and view its configuration, click Add & View.
  "kind": "ingress",
  "$schema": "",
  "flavor": "nginx_ingress_controller",
  "disabled": true,
  "version": "0.2",
  "provided": false,
  "depends_on": [],
  "metadata": {
    "name": "test-nginx",
    "annotations": {}
  "spec": {
    "private": false,
    "basic_auth": false,
    "grpc": false,
    "domains": {},
    "rules": {
      "pet-clinic": {
        "service_name": "prometheus-operator-grafana", //This denotes the service to which this Ingress is connected.
        "path": "/",
        "port": 8080, //This denotes the network port on which the service is exposed and will be accessible.
        "domain_prefix": "pet-clinic"
    "force_ssl_redirection": true

Note: When creating a resource, it is initially set with default sample values that can be modified after the resource has been created.

You have successfully created the necessary resources for the Pet Clinic application.

How to Enable the Added Resources?

Upon creation, all resources are in a disabled state. To enable them, please follow the below steps:

  1. Open Blueprints and select the required Blueprint.
  2. Select the Environment tab and choose the environment.
  3. Now select Resource Center.
  4. Select the Postgres, Service, and Ingress resources you just created and click the Enable button at the bottom.
  5. In the Enable Resource pop-up, type Confirm in the text box and click Enable.

You have successfully enabled the created resources.

Alright, let's move forward to the next step, Creating and Launching an Environment.