Creating and Launching an Environment

After creating your Blueprint and resources, you can now launch the first manifestation of it: an Environment.

How to Create an Environment?

  1. Open Blueprints and select the required Blueprint.
  2. Now, select the Environments tab and you will be greeted with a prompt to create your first Environment.
  3. The next step is to select the cloud provider. This will trigger a form for further configuration.
  4. Assign a unique Name to your environment.
  5. Select the Infrastructure Type as Provisioning a New Infrastructure.
  6. Select your preferred Release Stream and its corresponding Region.
  7. Now, link your Cloud Account with the Facets control plane or select a pre-configured cloud account. For more details, refer to the Integrating Cloud Accounts documentation.
  8. Click Create.

You have successfully created an Environment.

A logical environment would be created by clicking the Create button. However, please note that the environment will not be launched immediately and will appear as 'stopped' on the Environments tab.

How to Launch the Environment?

  • Select the specific environment and select the Releases tab.
  • Click Launch.

You have successfully launched your Environment.

Environment Overview

After launching the environment, you can find all relevant details about it on the environment overview page. This can be accessed by selecting the Environment and select the Overview section.

The Environment Overview page consists of several useful widgets and some of them are as follows:

  1. The Environment Information widget provides a comprehensive summary of your environment's details.
  2. The Recent Successful Releases widget showcases the latest successful releases linked to your environment.
  3. The Cluster Allocation widget visually displays the CPU request and memory request associated with your environment.
  4. The IaC Version widget indicates your environment's current version. Refer to the IaC in Facets documentation to know more about it.

By exploring these widgets, you can get a well-rounded understanding of your environment's status and functionality.

Let's continue by Linking the Resources.