Environment Overview

The Environment Overview page in Facets provides a comprehensive snapshot of your deployment environments. This document outlines the key components and statistics available in the Environment Overview page, helping you to monitor your environments effectively. The following are a few widgets that are available in the Environment Overview page:

Environment Configuration

The Environment Configuration section provides details on the setup and configuration of each environment. This includes information on Cloud, Release Stream, Timezone, Environment Type, Account, and any specific configuration settings that have been applied.

Kubernetes Cluster Details - Node Types

This section provides information about the types of nodes in your Kubernetes cluster. This helps in understanding the composition and capabilities of your cluster.

Cluster Allocation

The Cluster Allocation section offers statistics on how resources are allocated within your Kubernetes cluster. It includes data on CPU and memory allocation and usage, helping you to optimize resource distribution and manage workloads effectively.

Secrets & Variables

This section provides statistics on the secrets and variables configured in your environment. It includes the total number of secrets, environment variables, and the ability to directly navigate to the Environment-Specific Values for Secrets and Variables page.

Release Stats (Last 30 Days)

The Release Stats section offers an overview of deployment activities over the last 30 days. It includes data on the success rates, failure rates, deployment frequency, etc.

Recent Release

This section provides information on the most recent release, including the type of release and its current status (e.g., successful, failed, in progress). This helps in tracking the status of the Release.


The Alerts section lists all active alerts related to the environment. This helps in promptly addressing issues and maintaining system health.


The Resources section provides an overview of your environment by displaying the total number of resources, as well as the number of enabled and disabled resources. This section also includes direct links to live applications, facilitating quick access and monitoring.