Scheduling Releases

Facets is a tool that provides the ability to define separate release schedules for each environment. This step-by-step guide will help you create a schedule for your releases in Facets:

How to Schedule Releases in Facets?

  1. Open Projects and select the project that contains the desired environment.
  2. Select the Environments tab and select the Environment.
  3. In the Environment Settings tab, select Releases.
  4. Toggle Available under Release Schedule to create a schedule.
  5. If a schedule already exists for this release, you will see the current schedule displayed.
  6. Select the desired Frequency (in minutes, hours, days, or weeks) and specify the required interval.
  7. Enable the Pause toggle if you wish to pause this schedule.
  8. Click Save Changes.

You have successfully created a release schedule in Facets. You can repeat this process for each environment in your system and set a different schedule for each one if needed.